Tag Archives: racism

The Black Lives Matter Protests

The protests have gone worldwide. It’s a continuation of an old, old fight against something that never should have existed to begin with going back to lynchings and slavery, and I, for one, am happy to see so many people rising up and taking a stand against it. It tells me that there are still a lot of humans out there with compassion, spine, and a working moral compass. This generation out there on the front lines is no joke. The world is not just evil and complacency after all. People are fighting for the soul of this nation. And we’re seeing it play out in real time, and there are things we can ALL do.

I’m going to take a moment to clarify a few things. I’ve been unfriending people on facebook and they sometimes want to know why. So I’m going to state the obvious here so I can just link to it. At this late date, everyone should already know these things, but it seems some don’t. If you don’t need this, skip ahead to the line of asteriks.

I have heard some call them “rioters” and “looters”. But it’s already documented that most of that is coming from rightwing hate groups and cops seeking to discredit them. One does not take chances with COVID 19 and killer cops just to get a free TV or break a window. And if some of the protesters did do some damage, I can’t blame them. I totally get wanting to smash things when nobody listens. Again, people are fighting for the soul of this nation.

Have a look at these links and tell me where police loyalties lie:

vs.a known hate group getting a police escort:

“All lives matter”. People use that to brush the issues aside. This is worth a read: https://www.itv.com/news/channel/2020-06-08/blog-if-you-say-all-lives-matter-i-say-this/

And then there are those white folks who fear equality lest the tables are turned. But to have “black supremacy” on the scale of what white people did would involve exacting revenge, enslaving the few survivors, cutting them off from any trace of their culture and keep them from progressing civically for GENERATIONS. Your worries are just your guilty conscience.

This isn’t about who’s going to be top dog. The protesters are people of all races. Even a preschooler knows that it’s wrong to kill someone simply because you’re allowed to get away with it. I don’t know why grown-ass adults have so much trouble grasping this.

Resources and things you can do:




This is excellent. Racism is brainwashing. Why not counter some of it with teaching materials?

Teaching Materials

For everyone who can’t be there:


Follow Bernice A. King:


Follow Ilyasah Shabazz:


The following is from Evylyn Rose at the * REDACTED *  forum:

“Pandemic safety tips for those who can go out to join the protests:


“This is the site for bail funds specific to Richmond, Virginia, but this particular page provides US-wide statistics on the need for posting bail (hint: *not* posting bail sways guilty verdicts – it’s almost like freedom is only for those who can pay…) and a section on racial discrimination factors. If you’re considering donating to a cause, bail funds aren’t just a ticket out of a few nights in jail – they are a major way to fight back against the broken system.


“There’s also supply drop-offs being set up for those who might not have money to share right now, but maybe have some extra duct tape, baking powder, band-aids, vinegar, or about a dozen other supplies that go toward medical prevention and treatment for protestors. This one gives a list of needed supplies & contact info for the one in the DC area:

DC Doesn’t Have a Bail Fund. Here’s How You Can Donate to Help Protesters.

“And just for a bit of inspiration and hope:


And remember: this is for all of us. No country should be allowed to slide into fascism. No genocide should be allowed to occur. What is done to one is done to all, if allowed to continue.

Cards and sewing and forums and goddamn nazis

If you’re looking for insights on how to read cards, I’ll save you some time. This is purely for those who have been following me for awhile and are interested in what’s going on. And yes, here there be drama – but not the trad-Lenormand-vs.-intuitive kind we used to have.

I found the most wonderful seller on Etsy! Mrs. Depew Vintage I can never find perfect clothes online. Either they’re the wrong fabric, or too long/short, or no good colors, or…something. So – with some trepidation, I have begun sewing again! I haven’t done it since high school, and I’m sure my first few garments will be godawful. But it’s OK. I’m making an authentic 1930’s Hooverette (It seems pretty simple and straightforward) and even if I screw it up, it will be good around the house. Hooverette pattern

A Hooverette is a great dress. If you get a little something on it, you can lap it over the other way. It’s not like regular wrap dresses that only fastens one way. And it’s got that 1930’s look…people were broke, but they tried not to look like it. These were house dresses that people wore for cleaning and cooking, and they’re nicer than a lot of what people wear to go out these days!

So much wonderful vintage stuff there…20’s, 30’s, 40s…

Ah, the 40’s. Things draped in those days. Women had time to fix their hair, and you never left the house without your red lipstick on, because Hitler hated it and an affordable little lipstick was “responsible luxury”. It wasn’t All Good, obviously. We were at war – with Nazis.

I hate nazis and fascists, and I feel obligated to speak against them when I bump into them. If I can’t get away with physically whacking them à la Danuta Danielsson, I will send them into a tailspin of butthurt. It’s quite gratifying.

So I was somewhat shocked and appalled when a forum I have been frequenting for literally years (I co-founded, left, came back, and stuck around a long time) came out in favor of nazis.

I want to say that I have never had a real problem there, and the old admin, Rif (Jase On Cards), always seemed OK. He seems to have gone offline, though, even his blog is gone. Hmmm…

It was a good place, since the focus was reading techniques and learning, not an AT style “buy all the shit and then buy more shit! And don’t criticize the shit!” focus. Or anyway, it was until now.

Some basement dweller was making an inept Tarot deck, a badly done collage deck. The theme was WWII. It had glorified pictures of Hitler and Goebbels, and lots of swastikas.

Here is my final post that got me banned, for those who are interested in such things. And I hate to disappoint, but I didn’t even talk smack:

Admin: A couple of members strongly dislike this deck, and feel WWII shouldn’t be referenced for any reason. By that reasoning, we shouldn’t have any WWII-era movies, fashion, books, historical photos, museum displays and so on. Yet these things exist.

Me: I don’t recall anyone saying it shouldn’t be referenced for any reason, FCP.
I can’t speak for Ruth, but my own objections to this deck have to do with the way that it’s done, not the fact that it’s a WWII deck.

Admin: Any artist has the right to explore subjects that are important to them through art. It’s the artist’s apparent lot in life to bear disapproval. The question is, what kinds of art are fair to discuss in a public setting at a privately managed forum?

Many of you know Barbara Walker for her tarot contributions, yet she is highly respected by a larger audience for her innovative contributions to the knitting world. Her classic book “Mosaic Knitting” includes many patterns that are swastika variants. I’ve seen amazon reviews criticizing this book for having too many swastikas, which make some people uncomfortable. Yet Barbara, as you might expect from her tarot and mythology work, was aware of the use of the swastika in other cultures before it was appropriated by Hitler. She was not glorifying WWII in her knitting book yet it made people uncomfortable. I wonder if Barbara had sought book advice here, would she have been heavily criticized?

Me: TBH, yes.

Regardless of the original intent of the swastika, it’s tainted now. It’s like the ‘n’ word that way – acceptable for some people to use in certain contexts, but generally to be avoided. The ‘n’ word is a word of degradation. And the swastika is a symbol of exterminating Jews, gays, Romany, Poles, and disabled people. I can count people from all those groups as friends, and in some cases, family. Why the hell should I be OK with that symbol?

I’m aware that a WWII deck would have to include it. I object to the gratuitous use of it in this deck. It has its place. I think this is a FINE use of the swastika:

(Posted with a spoiler, so people would have to click it to see it):

Me continued: And it was well placed Art Spiegelman’s Maus. That thing is a masterpiece. You wouldn’t think that a comic featuring anthropomorphized animals would be a respectful medium for a story about the Holocaust, but he makes it work. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maus

Same with Schindler’s List. It had swastikas in it, but it expressed the horrific actions of the people who used them. I think that’s key.

Art with swastikas should acknowledge the horror. This deck doesn’t.

I never really got into Barbara Walker as her Tarot doesn’t appeal to me, so I googled the knitting and this was the first thing that came up. https://gidget.typepad.com/gidget_casts_on/2004/06/nazi_knitting.html

“Seriously, if I saw someone wearing a sweater emblazoned with swastikas, I wouldn’t think, “Follower of the Buddha,” I’d think, “Aryan Nation.””

“It’s clear from Walker’s other writings that she was pretty disgusted at how a symbol she saw as having links to prehistory had been debased by the Nazi party. She hoped that someday the world would have healed enough to reclaim that spiritual heritage of the design, rather than focusing on its mid-20th century perversion. That being said, too many of my familiy died in Europe for me to ever see the symbol in any other context, in spite of her reasoning.”

“The number of people who deny the Holocaust is growing steadily.” (In that sense, we never stopped fighting WWII. We’re still battling nazis and fascists.)

“I own that book and I must not have read through it thoroughly enough to catch it. Maybe I’ll rip that page out or something. I don’t really want it in my collection, either.”

“You were right to put the book down. I’d have no problem with the other patterns in the book, but they’re hanging out at the wrong club. So, nope. good on you.”

Admin: I’ve seen the criticism leveled at artists like Ciro Marchetti and Robert Place, and I’ve tried to put the damper on that here. I remember when Ciro and Baba visited us, and I wanted artists to feel welcome to discuss their work. I know how much time and effort goes into painting or drawing one piece of art, let alone 78 of them, and I can’t imagine putting my work-in-progress out for the public. Aside from any question of content, I don’t think it’s right for non-artists to dictate what an artist’s work should be unless it’s a commercial transaction (i.e. paying for an illustrator).

Me: Art is one of my sidelines. I’ve done oils, tattoos, charcoals…I don’t do much with it because there’s not much money in it, considering the time I have to put in. But “non-artist” isn’t applicable here.


(Side note, not in post: it didn’t occur to me at the time I posted, but Roger Ebert was not an actor. A lot of critics are not actors, musicians, artists, etc. So what? Anybody has the right to criticize anything they want. All that text was just his way of telling me to SHUT UP. And it would be wrong for me to shut up.)


Admin: Can you imagine telling Vermeer that he sucked while painting Girl with a Pearl Earring because she should have worn diamonds?

Me: Pearls vs. diamonds lacks the gravity of gratuitous swastikas.

Admin: Art, by its nature, can be provocative and uncomfortable. Some people love the saccharine moods of Thomas Kincade’s “paintings of light” while others revel in the madness of H.R. Geiger’s bio-machines. What happens when we get into trigger topics? What about art that represents madness, or loss of humanity, or an artist’s personal crisis such as mental illness or rape? Apparently this is also a trigger topic for some folks who believe that tarot should not include the subject of WWII.

Me: So make it grittier, more real. Show the piled up corpses. Make it HONEST. Not some whitewashed, happy-looking thing.

Admin: For this thorny issue, I look back to our policies. I don’t believe this deck is being shared at the forum to specifically upset people who are uncomfortable with WWII. I don’t see the artist proclaiming the greatness of hate in the United States. The artist was looking for feedback and opinions on his art — which he received in spades. I think this is fair, and our staff supports the same. Whether or not it’s appropriate for the public will be determined by the public, either in sales or a gallery show.
(Gallery show??? Ha!)
Me: I STRONGLY encourage everyone to read this. The whole thing. https://medium.com/@DeoTasDevil/the-rhetoric-tricks-traps-and-tactics-of-white-nationalism-b0bca3caeb84
I’m not saying that the dog whistles in this deck are intentional. It could all be innocent mistakes, missteps. But the deck does have dog whistles.

Admin: In short: dial it down, folks. This thread doesn’t have to be a love-fest, but by the same token, it doesn’t have to be a hate-fest either. If there are any more personal attacks or diatribes, then the staff will ban offenders immediately. (In other words, banning isn’t solely dependent on my availability or visiting of a thread.) To be clear, that will be applied to members on either side of this debate, so all should be respectful and avoid personal attacks. You all know the drill by now…

Me: Speaking for myself, all my criticism was directed at the deck, not the man. He’s made multiple personal attacks on me, good thing I have a thick skin. Yet your post seems to mainly be addressing those of us who take issue with the deck? What’s going on here?

If I am on thin ice, so be it. I like this place, but I can’t in good conscience not speak up.
If I am banned, I ask only that you not delete this post.
When it’s all said and done, I want people to at least know I said something.

Another member: Art should make us feel, think, talk. Sometimes art takes on the negative aspects of these, making us angry or argumentative. Negative thoughts and emotions are a crucial part of a life experience. There is no light without the dark. Life isn’t all sunshine, unicorns, and lollipops.

Does this mean we should censor someone else’s art or their freedom of expression because we find it offensive? Bully them into giving up what they believe to be a work they’ve poured their heart and soul into? If we start down this road, there’s no telling where we’ll end.

TCF will not be the place to discourage artist and deck creators from realizing their projects.

Me: Gregory, I don’t have the ability to censor anyone’s art or freedom of expression. And I LOATHE unicorns and lollipops.
See what I said above, re: “Art with swastikas should acknowledge the horror”, “So make it grittier, more real. Show the piled up corpses. Make it HONEST. Not some whitewashed, happy-looking thing”, etc.

It kind of IS unicorns and lollipops. That’s the problem.

And that got me banned. Criticizing a deck and saying that swastikas shouldn’t be used willy-nilly in a Tarot.

Meanwhile, the “alt-right” shitbag who created that shitty deck had posted this:


Some “white nationalist”: Oh the irony that this is the first reply after the last two preceding posts. Talk about ‘on cue’.

I was wondering when you were going to pop up again. But to your credit, you have not sent me hate mail (although you were a few peoples first guess, go figure) because obviously, your personality needs an audience to bash and belittle in front of. I find it fascinating and a bit disturbing that instead of actually ‘bowing out’ you sort of just lurked in the shadows keeping tabs on this conversation until it became too civil. And to be fair, too one-sided, as there has not been much civil and constructive decentive views. But now that you have returned…. well, there still isn’t any of that. Also, as I have pointed out earlier in this thread, there are people in the world that would think that reading cards is an ‘appalling monstrosity’, an affront against god and consorting with demons. (admittedly most of those people probably are trump supporting evangelicals, but hey…) Fortunately, we all know better than that. It is all a matter of perspective. Unfortunately, for some, that seems to be a one-way mirror. Although I do agree that this would probably have been a ‘trigger’ for many in the 40’s.

Normally, when I create something and it irritates somebody, I feel a bit put off that it has done such. But your particular brand of vitriol has encouraged me to step up my game. It does not matter if anyone buys this or not, just that it gets done. As a matter of fact, I think I shall enlarge several of the cards up to portrait size and use them in my next art showing in honor of you. And for the record, I would not want it anywhere near your home either as it is not meant for someone like you.

I look forward to you pettily bashing any other project I might post on here just because this one has gotten a bee in your bonnet. Although in this statement, I hope I am wrong about the future conjecture on the possibility of you having an extreme case of self-righteous indignation.

See all the flaming and ad hominem attacks? Yet all I did was point out what was wrong with the DECK.
Not the most professional or evenhanded modding, is it?

I can only conclude that The Cartomancy Forum is now coddling nazis, racists, and antisemites. It was a good place when Rif had it, but all things must end eventually.

It’s the beginning of the end, though. Andy won’t be posting there anymore. I’m out, and Ruth is done with the place. There’s a few people I’ll miss, but I’ll find them on facebook eventually. It will implode.

My apologies to everyone I sent there.

And speaking of the 30’s, the US is where Germany was then. We have concentration camps – for children. Thousands of them have been raped and molested. Some of these kids have died needlessly. Babies have been sold.






This is where we are. We don’t have the luxury of blowing this shit off.
FUCK nazis. And fuck that nazi-coddling forum.

Odin hates nazis

Using the runes for white supremacist purposes (and that stupid backwards-spinning swastika – WTF was up with THAT?) appears to have come back and bitten the nazis on the ass bigtime.

The old Northern Gods aren’t having that shit. And BTW, “All-Father” means EXACTLY that. So these new nazis and racists are going to get their asses handed to them again.

Race is a construct – do you honestly believe that “That Which Cannot Be Reached With Thought” differentiates?

Here is the best resource on runes I’ve found. Read them, use them, and if you see a nazi, knock the shit out of him. You can’t shame a person who has no shame, after all (and that’s why passive resistance won’t work) and you can’t reason with a fascist.

Just take the runes back. They’re even blunter than Lenormand, and worth saving. RUNEMAKER SITE

On Our Now-Nazi Country, and Where We Go From Here

My facebook friend Joshua Ellis posted this in the wee hours.
Having a game plan is a tiny ray of hope.
Maybe we’ve got this. It’s on you, and it’s on me.
Are you in?

People started hitting me up last night long before the concession. Messages came through all night while I slept and this morning.

One friend suggested that perhaps I was culpable in some small way for this – me and people like me – for not just getting onboard the Clinton train unreservedly and unambiguously and putting my reservations and ambiguity aside until after the election. And today I am haunted by the idea that he might be right, that I could have done more.

But as I told him: “Have I ever given you the impression, in all the years you’ve known me, that this would be the way I’d handle that?”

Perhaps I could have done more, but I’m not sure I could have done any different. The only way I really matter in the world is that I tell the truth as I understand it. I might be wrong, my conclusions may be erroneous, but I never lie about them. That’s all I have.

And let’s face it, would anybody have really believed me if I’d done an about face after the primary and told you I had no doubts about Hillary Clinton? You would have known I was full of shit.

But that’s not what people were mostly asking me about in those messages. They were asking me variations on the same question: what do we do now?

I was not in any way exaggerating the consequences I believe this election will have on America. I think that unless something completely unforeseeable happens, this country is going to fall, or begin to fall, under this president. The only way I see around that is if Donald Trump completely reverses every position he claimed to hold during the election.

The fact that this is not entirely out of the realm of possibility is almost as unnerving as the likelihood that he won’t.

I think that the political reality is that progressives and liberals are going to be in a body cast for the next two years at least and probably the next four. With a majority Congress and a President and at least one Supreme Court nominee, the Republicans are ascendant. This election was a revolution, it turns out – just not the one that people like me were hoping for.

I’m gonna be really blunt here: I’m writing most of you political folks off now. Political activism only works if you can effect change, and the government is going to ignore you entirely now, because they know they can.

The dominant American voter base today are triumphant regressives who hate you. They do. They hate you. They did not elect Trump because they love you and simply think your ideas were well-intentioned but misguided. They want to punish you. They could not have made that any clearer. Do you really think they’re going to call their leaders to intervene at Standing Rock? Or be outraged when the next black boy ends up on the street face down? They are indifferent to the Natives and they hate and fear the black boys, and they will not stand in the way when these people are shoved face down into the mud. They might even get a boot on your back.

(The Libertarians probably won’t, but they won’t lend a hand, either. The Libertarians are pointless selfish shitheads whose only value to society is dealing weed and making DC Comics rich off licensed Guy Fawkes mask sales. You a Libertarian? Yeah, I’m looking right at you when I speak. Your candidate was a fucking carnival geek and so were you for voting for him. Go build a floating pirate island somewhere out of remaindered paperback copies of The Wealth Of Nations, and don’t forget to go fuck yourself as you climb aboard the SS Galtcock. Wankers.)

Ahem. Where was I?

So where does that leave us? Armed insurrection? Sheeeeeeeeeit. Most of you people throw a temper tantrum if the olive in your bacon martini isn’t free trade. Six hours in the mud in a secret camp out in the woods and you’d give the revolution’s position away by calling an Uber to roll bounce the fuck out. You’d go full Weathermen and let Tyler the unemployed MFA grad student try to wire up the bombs because his mixtape was lit af. (Spoiler alert: explosion and splattering noises.) You could use the Black Bloc as your footsoldiers, but that would only net you a decisive victory against Starbucks picture windows and anybody who happened to be downwind of them.

(Public service announcement, Black Bloc: it’s hard to effectively smash the state when the state knows you’re coming from a mile away by the reek of dirt weed and stank ass coming off your Crass hoodie. You know what Bakunin liked as much as collective choice? Bathing.)

But that’s a good thing, because violence begets violence, and hipster jihad would end very badly not just for Them but for Us. Robespierre’s severed head could have told you that with its last breath as it lay in the guillotine basket.

Where does this leave us then, if we’re politically neutered and we’re leaving those Blue Dawn fantasies abandoned at the Crazytown bus station?


It turns out that there’s a lot you can do to sabotage people by moving money around… or not moving it. It also turns out that most of the people who voted for Trump live in economically precarious places whose lifeline relies upon consumption of their goods by people in urban areas. Very few of them make anything anymore. They grow food and they sell each other Arby’s sandwiches. They’re angry because they feel like we’ve ignored them for a long time.

I think it would be deeply funny if we devoted our strict attention to them for a while.

Imagine what would happen if you stopped buying produce from grocery stores and only bought it from farmer’s markets in your own city, from local producers. Even better: grow your own food. It’s not that hard to automate that process and you can do it anywhere, even in the desert. Can’t do it in your own backyard? There are community gardens everywhere. Let’s turn the cities into places not only of consumption but production. Let’s grow our own food on a massive scale. Let’s cripple the farmers who voted for Trump, and then batter the Republicans for trying to sneak white-people welfare through under the guise of “farm subsidies”.

What else? Well, a lot of people are looking at ways to do basic universal income, and some of them are looking at decentralized, non-state-based ways of doing that. Some of them are more realistic than others, but let’s put some effort into solving that problem. Let’s get it working over the next four years.

And then let’s cut them off. Because if it’s not government run it doesn’t have to be for everybody, any more than Mormons have to share their food stocks with hungry non-Mormons if they don’t want to. (And to be fair, they often do.) So let’s give money to people of color and homeless people and people we like, and let the rest of the country slowly realize that the vast majority of that welfare they despise so much, that Daddy Trump is going to get rid of, actually goes into their own communities, not to black welfare queens.

Let’s double down on automating jobs while we’re at it. Let’s spend our savings on solar panels for our houses rather than bling and artisanal food, so we can finally kill the Appalachian coal economy for good. Instead of getting rid of our cars completely, which is unfeasible, let’s downsize to scooters and motorcycles and create cheap ridesharing systems so that when we need to go to IKEA or Costco, we just rent a truck for fifty bucks once a month to do it, which is still cheaper. Let’s cripple the oil companies.

Let’s make a deliberate decision to support people who by choice or by necessity leave the wage economy and try to make a living creatively. Consider them beta testers for the new economy that’s coming. Stop telling them they’re unrealistic. Thinking that the traditional model of employment is going to endure is the actual unrealistic thing.

Most of all, let’s turn our back on the bullshit American Dream that we’re all going to live lives of luxury and prosperity any day now. Stop investing in corporations and start investing in people. Don’t buy real estate as an investment, because protecting that investment often leads you to unintentionally inflict a lot of horror on other people. Buy a house to live in it until you die. Invest in fixing it up not to flip it, but so that your children have a beautiful place to grow up in and live in and pass down to their children.

Stop buying new cars – you don’t need one and the five year warranty ends up costing you more in interest and full coverage insurance alone than if you bought a used car and paid a mechanic to get it into perfect condition. Hell, spend your weekends learning to fix your own car with a Chilton’s manual and YouTube sitting next to you.

Learn to build your own furniture. It’s cheaper and fun. Be okay with having cinderblock bookshelves and pine tables. Build makerspaces to share resources and knowledge. Cook your own food. Fix things that break instead of replacing them.

Stop giving a shit about looking prosperous. Stop acting like a temporarily embarrassed millionaire. It’s scary, but you’ll dig it after a while.

And let’s protect each other. If Trump outlaws abortions, let’s figure out ways to get women to safe places elsewhere they can have it done. Let’s start sending people across the border to buy medicine cheap for their friends and families. Let’s start building underground railroads to help queer kids get out of their hateful small towns and into places where they will be not only accepted but celebrated. Let’s volunteer to protect our Muslim friends and our black friends and our trans friends and their places of worship and community. Let’s abhor the fact that we might need to watch out for a lot of our lady friends and keep them safe from being grabbed by the pussies, but let’s do it anyway.

To paraphrase Batman: We’re not going to kill the people who last night chose the path our country is on now, but we don’t have to save them, either. We can save the people who need and deserve saving, though, now more than ever, and by doing so, we can save ourselves. Because they are us.

The time for dank memes and shitposting is done. The time for hearts and minds is done. We’ve lost those. The time for hitting the bricks and getting our hands dirty and organizing ourselves not to protest or petition but to just get shit done is at hand.

Start today. I am. Channel your fear into decision: I’m not going to wait until tomorrow to jump in the game anymore. It’s my turn to play.

You will ward the darkness off with your light. You will earn your place in history. You will be heroes, forever and ever.

Right now, it’s time to kick out the jams, motherfuckers.

Are you in?

On #NoDAPL and Paying Attention: They Sicced Dogs On My People Today

ETA: We have answers! Is it an alleged puppy mill operated by a white supremacist? Does that red and black Ford truck belong to a pedo? Find out here! https://www.facebook.com/diana.heideman/media_set?set=a.10209045072737163.1073741844.1028144629&type=3&pnref=story


“This is how Fascism and even Feudalism start. Rich lords with private armies ruling over us however they see fit.”
– Joe Cosby

What is the name of this (so far anonymous) “private security company”? Security personnel aren’t sanctioned to use attack dogs – or anything potentially deadly – on citizens. These are Pinkerton style goons.

Worth a read –

Corporate henchmen with dogs and pepper spray attacked peaceful Water Protecters today.

Source: On #NoDAPL and Paying Attention: They Sicced Dogs On My People Today

On Community

"The Homecoming", Norman Rockwell, 1945

“The Homecoming”, Norman Rockwell, 1945

I often see people using the terms “Lenormand community” or “cartomancy community”, with the implication that we shouldn’t fight, we should be in solidarity, i.e., unity or agreement of feeling or action among individuals with a common interest, and mutual support within a group. Being in a community with someone doesn’t mean you have to do that. If you’ve ever had neighbors from hell, you can understand this.

And let’s look at the word “community” itself, shall we? from Merriam-Webster:


Pretty irrelevant to reading cards, isn’t it? All we have in common is cards. It’s like saying “the soap community” or “the makeup community”. Nobody says “You need to be nicer and more supportive of John Wayne Gacy, he used soap and makeup, too.”

Should we be supportive of Sylvie Steinbach just because the woman has written a crappy Lenormand book? She denies the Holocaust, FFS. Or Donnaleigh de la Rose, who equated being denied access to a facebook group to “perpetuating the Holocaust”, thereby trivializing the pointless suffering and deaths of millions? Or Christiana Gaudet, who writes hate blogs about the Roma? Why lower ourselves and give tacit endorsement to the hate by making nice with people like that?

Fuck antisemites and fuck racists. May they rot in hell.

As for the Rockwell painting at the beginning of this post, it’s a picture of what an actual community might look like. And I hope that soldier killed lots and lots of nazis.


The following bolded texts are quotes from Cat Yronwode, taken from comment threads on facebook yesterday. I haven’t added much, her comments are intact, and they stand on their own. Another friend remarked that Wikipedia seems to be making a consistent, organized effort at holocaust denial, or at least an attempt to “tone it down”.

Try it yourself…I did. People are “born to Jewish parents”, but they’re NOT JEWISH IN WIKIPEDIA. “(Louis B. Mayer) was born Lazar Meir, possibly on July 12, 1884, to a Jewish family in Minsk, Russian Empire…” “Bob Dylan was born Robert Allen Zimmerman (Hebrew name שבתאי זיסל בן אברהם [Shabtai Zisl ben Avraham]) in St. Mary’s Hospital on May 24, 1941, in Duluth, Minnesota, and raised in Hibbing, Minnesota, on the Mesabi Iron Range west of Lake Superior. His paternal grandparents, Zigman and Anna Zimmerman, emigrated from Odessa in the Russian Empire (now Ukraine) to the United States following the anti-Semitic pogroms of 1905. His maternal grandparents, Benjamin and Lybba Edelstein, were Lithuanian Jews who arrived in the United States in 1902. In his autobiography Chronicles: Volume One, Dylan writes that his paternal grandmother’s maiden name was Kirghiz and her family originated from Kağızman in north eastern Turkey. Dylan’s parents, Abram Zimmerman and Beatrice “Beatty” Stone, were part of the area’s small but close-knit Jewish community.” But Dylan himself is NOT JEWISH IN WIKIPEDIA.

Oooooh, here’s a doozy: “Art Spiegelman was born to Polish Jews Władysław (1906–1982) and Andzia (1912–1968) Spiegelman. His father was born Zev Spiegelman, with the Hebrew name Zev ben Avraham. Władysław was his Polish name, and Władek (or Vladek in Russified form) was a diminutive of this name. He was also known as Wilhelm under German occupation, and upon immigration to the U.S. he took the name William. His mother was born Andzia Zylberberg, with the Hebrew name Hannah. She took the name Anna upon her American immigration. In Spiegelman’s Maus, from which they are best known, the names of the two were spelled “Vladek” and “Anja”, as Spiegelman believed those spellings would be easiest for Americans to pronounce accurately. The surname Spiegelman is German for “mirror man”. He had one brother, Rysio (mistakenly spelled “Richieu” in Maus) who died before Art was born, at about the age of five or six. During the Holocaust, he was sent to stay with an aunt, with whom it was believed he would be safe. The aunt poisoned herself, along with Rysio, and two other minor family members kept under her guidance, so that he wouldn’t be taken to the death camps by the Nazis. After the war, his parents, unable to accept that he was dead, searched orphanages all over Europe in the hopes of finding him. Spiegelman talked of having a sort of sibling rivalry with his “ghost brother”—he felt unable to compete with an “ideal” brother who “never threw tantrums or got in any kind of trouble”.” I guess he managed to forget all that, since he’s NOT JEWISH IN WIKIPEDIA.

Cat states that “750 biographies at Wikipedia contain the phrase “born to a Jewish family” and 300 biographies contain the phrase “born to Jewish parents” — and none of these biographies mention that the subject is Jewish! There are too many of these biographies with EXACTLY THE SAME WEASEL WORDING to be accidental or coincidental…Another catch-phrase euphemism is “the son of Jewish parents” — this yields 30 biographies at Wikipedia. The site-specific search is site:en.wikipedia.org “the son of Jewish parents” — and the converse term “daughter of Jewish parents” yield 7 biographies, among them Edith Head, Gilda Radner, and Elaine May. The site-specific search is site:en.wikipedia.org “the daughter of Jewish parents””

“Jewish ancestry” seems to be another, apparently “Curly Howard was born Jerome Lester Horwitz in the Bensonhurst section of the Brooklyn borough of New York City. He was the fifth of the five Horwitz brothers and of Lithuanian Jewish ancestry. Because he was the youngest, his brothers called him “Babe” to tease him. The nickname stuck with him all his life, although when his older brother Shemp married Gertrude Frank, who was also nicknamed “Babe,” the brothers started calling him “Curly” to avoid confusion. His full formal Hebrew name was “Yehudah Lev ben Shlomo Natan ha Levi.” But of course Curly himself is NOT JEWISH IN WIKIPEDIA.

Feel free to share. Cat’s given full permission to quote her on this. And I’m OK with COPYPASTING THE WHOLE THING. I promise not to go running to WordPress with my timestamped blog post, crying plagiarism. Go for it. Get it out there.

“Well, if you ever wondered why I hate Wikipedia, here’s why: Read the Wikipedia article on Jean Goldkette, then read what a real scholar has written here, in Vintage Jazz Mart Magazine: http://www.vjm.biz/new_page_7.htm Notice what’s missing? (Massive head shake.)

“Mention of a person being Jewish is regularly removed from biographies at Wikipedia. The topic is an ongoing issue between warring editors, some of whom require “proof” that a person self-declared as Jewish in a published venue, a step that few of our ancestors felt was a requirement for being a Jew. Without that published self-declaration, these editors re-write biographies of famous Jews into strange and twisted formations, claiming, for instance, that “we cannot know” why a person with a well-known Jewish surname emigrated to America, say, in 1938. I have seen some editors claim it could just be a “coincidence” that the Nazis were imposing restrictions on Jews by then, even going so far as to state that “for all we know, the emigration might have been motivated by a search for a better job, because we have no published self-declaration that this person was a Jew.” It is sheer madness, and an attempt to cover up Jewish identities at Wikipedia. The Jean Goldkette Wikipedia article is an example of this sort of racism in action.

“Example (this is my mother’s first cousin): “Franz Theodor Reizenstein (7 June 1911 – 15 October 1968) was a German-born British composer and concert pianist. He left Germany for sanctuary in Britain in 1934 and went on to have his career there, including teaching at the Royal Northern College of Music and Boston University, as well as performing.” He is not JEWISH, of coure. They removed that. But “he left Germany for sanctuary.” WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT MEAN? Just, you know, everybody was doing that…?

“Later in the same article, having removed the fact that Franz was Jewish (and thus making NON-sense of his having “left Germany for sanctuary”) they state that “The family was Jewish.” Again, what the fuck? The “family” was Jewish and Franz “left Germany for sanctuary.” Uh…. do these two ideas not go together? Not related in any way? According to Wikipedia, no, they are non-connected ideas in different parts of the article. A young reader would have to know the “secret decoder language” that would allow them to tie together the date of emigration and the random comment about the family.

“Here’s another example, not my writing, but, again, I knew the man. He attended synagogue. This is from the Wikipedia biography of Will Eisner, a comic book writer and artist: “Eisner was born in Brooklyn, New York City, the son of Jewish immigrants.” Also, ” Eisner continued with a string of graphic novels that tell the history of New York’s immigrant communities, particularly Jews.” Again, according to Wikipedia, Eisner himself is not Jewish, but he is the “son of Jewish immigrants” and he wrote about “immigrant communities, particularly Jews.” Will EIsner always spoke openly of being Jewish as part of his self-identification. But as far as Wikipedia is concerned, he is not to be “Jewish.” Only his parents are.

“Here is MY OWN BIOGRAPHY on Wikipedia. For the record, I am Jewish and openly have published and declared that fact in print and on the radio, but according to WIkipedia, “her mother, Liselotte Erlanger, was an Ashkenazi Jewish refugee from Germany.” In other words, according to Wikipedia, I am NOT Jewish, but my mother is!

“Ah, yes, “Carl Laemmle (January 17, 1867 in Laupheim, Germany – September 24, 1939 in Los Angeles, California) was a pioneer in American film making and a founder of one of the original major Hollywood movie studios – Universal. Laemmle produced or was otherwise involved in over four hundred films.” But although “Laemmle was born on the Radstrasse just outside the former Jewish quarter of Laupheim” — guess what? Carl Laemmle is NOT JEWISH IN WIKIPEDIA.

“And look! Peter Lorre! “Peter Lorre (26 June 1904 – 23 March 1964) was a Austrian-American actor.” Of course, he was NOT JEWISH IN WIKIPEDIA (I mean, what did you expect?) Instead we learn that “Lorre was born László Löwenstein on 26 June 1904, as the first child of Jewish couple Alajos Löwenstein and Elvira Freischberger.” Again, his parents were Jewish, but he was not. According to Wikipedia, “When the Nazis came to power in Germany in 1933, Lorre took refuge first in Paris and then London.” I wonder why? Could it be? No … no … no. Absolutely not. Peter Lorre is NOT JEWISH IN WIKIPEDIA.

Ah, Joe Kubert, comic book artist. According to Wikipedia, “Joseph Kubert (/ˈkjuːbərt/; September 18, 1926 – August 12, 2012) was an American comic book artist, art teacher and founder of The Kubert School.” and you MIGHT think he was Jewish if you had known him, but not so! Although, of course, his parents were Jewish. “Kubert was born September 18, 1926 to a Jewish family in a shtetl called Yzeran (Jezierzany), in southeast Poland (now Ukraine). He was the son of Etta (née Reisenberg) and Jacob Kubert. He emigrated to Brooklyn, New York City, United States, at age two months with his parents and his two-and-a-half-year-old sister Ida. Raised in the East New York neighborhood, the son of a kosher butcher, Kubert started drawing at an early age, encouraged by his parents.” So, his parents were Jewish, as is the custom in Wikipedia, but Joe Kubert was NOT JEWISH IN WIKIPEDIA. I think this would have surprised him.

“Another example: Mort Weisinger: “Mortimer Weisinger (April 25, 1915[1] – May 7, 1978)[2] was an American magazine and comic book editor best known for editing DC Comics’ Superman during the mid-1950s to 1960s, in the Silver Age of comic books.” Sure, you probably thought he was Jewish (and I think he thought so too), but according to Wikipedia, he was not. His parents were: “Weisinger was born in the Washington Heights section of New York City, New York and raised in the Bronx as the son of a Jewish businessman in the garment trade.” And so it goes. Another person I know well to have been Jewish is NOT JEWISH IN WIKIPEDIA.

“Another example. Here we have the famous Marx Brothers comedy team. Jewish, right? NO! Acccording to Wikipedia, they are NOT Jewish. “Born in New York City, the Marx Brothers were the sons of Jewish immigrants from Germany and France.” They are the “sons of Jewish immigrants.” They themselves are NOT JEWISH IN WIKIPEDIA.

“Mel Blanc the voice actor is NOT JEWISH IN WIKIPEDIA.. I love this one! First we learn that “Melvin Jerome “Mel” Blanc (May 30, 1908 – July 10, 1989) was an American voice actor and comedian. Although he began his nearly six-decade-long career performing in radio commercials, Blanc is best remembered for his work with Warner Bros. as the voices of Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Porky Pig, Tweety Bird, Sylvester the Cat, Yosemite Sam, Foghorn Leghorn, Marvin the Martian, Pepé Le Pew, Speedy Gonzales, the Tasmanian Devil and many of the other characters from the Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies theatrical cartoons,” And then we get the obligatory statement that his parents were Jewish: “Blanc was born Melvin Jerome Blank in San Francisco, California, to Jewish parents Frederick and Eva Blank.” NOT JEWISH IN WIKIPEDIA himself, Blanc gets the last laugh on the racism of effacement. His tombstone is shown in his biography at Wikipedia. There’s a HUGE Star of David (that’s a Mogen David to all you wine-loving goyim) right on the tombstone! But Mel Blanc is NOT JEWISH IN WIKIPEDIA. It is to laugh. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Mel_Blanc_4-15-05.JPG

“Here’s another example: Albert Einstein, well known physicist, and you probably thought he was Jewish, right? Nope. he is NOT JEWISH IN WIKIPEDIA. Here is what is said: “He was visiting the United States when Adolf Hitler came to power in 1933, and did not go back to Germany, where he had been a professor at the Berlin Academy of Sciences.” HUH? What? Oh, later in the article we learn about his PARENTS again — not him, just his family: “The Einsteins were non-observant Jews.” But Albert, no, not him. He is NOT JEWISH IN WIKIPEDIA — just a guy who took a vacation to the United States.

“Here’s another example, a relative of my family: “Heinrich Bernhard Oppenheim (July 20, 1819, Frankfurt – March 29, 1880 in Berlin) was a German publicist and philosopher concerned with the ideas of liberalism, free trade and international law. Oppenheim was son of a Jewish family of bankers in Frankfurt.” He was NOT JEWISH IN WIKIPEDIA. His parents were … but he was not. (Except, of course, that he was.)

“And look, again, here’s Eddie Cantor, the comedic singer: “Eddie Cantor (January 31, 1892 – October 10, 1964), born Edward Israel Iskowitz, was an American “illustrated song” performer, comedian, dancer, singer, actor and songwriter.” Well, we all know the drill by now. His parents were Jewish (and with a name like Iskowitz, this comes as no shock!) We llearn from WIkipedia that “Cantor was born in New York City, the son of Russian-Jewish immigrants, Meta and Mechel Iskowitz. His mother died in childbirth one year after his birth, and his father died of pneumonia when Eddie was two, leaving him to be raised by his beloved grandmother, Esther Kantrowitz. As a child, he attended Surprise Lake Camp. A misunderstanding when signing her grandson for school gave him her last name of Kantrowitz (shortened by the clerk to Kanter).” Interesting information — but that’s his mom and dad and granny. THEY were Jewish; Eddie Cantor is NOT JEWISH IN WIKIPEDIA.

“Mel Brooks? NOT JEWISH IN WIKIPEDIA. “Mel Brooks (born Melvin James Kaminsky; June 28, 1926)[1] is an American film director, screenwriter, composer, lyricist, comedian, actor and producer.” As is common, his parents were Jewish: “His father’s family were German Jews from the Baltic Sea port of Danzig (the modern Polish port of Gdansk); his mother’s family were Ukrainian Jews from Kiev.[4]” But Mel Brooks? NOT JEWISH IN WIKIPEDIA.

“Carl Reiner– same deal as Mel Brooks.”Carl Reiner (born March 20, 1922)[1] is an American actor, film director, producer, writer, and comedian” whose “parents were Jewish immigrants.” But he’s NOT JEWISH IN WIKIPEDIA.

“Here’s another:”Larry Simon Gelbart (February 25, 1928 – September 11, 2009) was an American television writer, playwright, screenwriter and author” and, as usual, “Gelbart was born in Chicago to Jewish immigrants Harry Gelbart (“a barber since his half of a childhood in Latvia”) and Frieda Sturner, who migrated to America from Dombrowa, [disambiguation needed] Poland.” But Larry Gelbart is NOT JEWISH IN WIKIPEDIA.

“Laughing my ass off now.Here’s Stephen Sondheim: “Stephen Joshua Sondheim (pron.: /ˈsɒnd.haɪm/; born March 22, 1930) is an American composer and lyricist known for his contributions to musical theatre. ” and the semi-obligatory, “Sondheim was born to a Jewish family in New York City, Etta Janet “Foxy” (née Fox) and Herbert Sondheim.” — but he himself is NOT JEWISH IN WIKIPEDIA.

“Benjamin David “Benny” Goodman (May 30, 1909 – June 13, 1986) was an American jazz and swing musician, clarinetist and bandleader; known as the “King of Swing” — but he is NOT JEWISH IN WIKIPEDIA. His parents, well, that’s another story, because, “Goodman was born in Chicago, the ninth of twelve children of poor Jewish immigrants from the Russian Empire, who lived in the Maxwell Street neighborhood.”

“Henry “Henny” Youngman (original Russian surname Yungman;[1] March 16, 1906 – February 24, 1998) was a British-American comedian and violinist famous for “one-liners”, short, simple jokes usually delivered rapid-fire. His best known one-liner was “Take my wife—please.”” — buy, oy vey, when we get to his parents, the oddities begin: “Youngman was born to a Jewish family in Liverpool,[dubious – discuss] England.” “Dubious-discuss”? Really? Well, in any case, he’s NOT JEWISH IN WIKIPEDIA.

“Leonard Bernstein (Listeni/ˈbɜrnstaɪn/ US dict: bûrn′·stīn; August 25, 1918 – October 14, 1990) was an American composer, conductor, author, music lecturer, and pianist.” And yes, “He was born Louis Bernstein in Lawrence, Massachusetts, the son of Ukrainian Jewish parents Jennie (née Resnick) and Samuel Joseph Bernstein, a hair-dressing supplies wholesaler originating from Rovno (now Ukraine).” But Leonard Bernstein, NOT JEWISH IN WIKIPEDIA.

“Sidney Joseph Perelman, almost always known as S. J. Perelman, (February 1, 1904 – October 17, 1979) was an American humorist, author, and screenwriter” — but he didn’t even have “Jewish parents” or “aJewish family,”according to Wikipedia. He wrote scripts for the Marx Brothers, who, like Perelman were NOT JEWISH IN WIKIPEDIA.

“Joseph Heller (May 1, 1923 – December 12, 1999) was an American satirical novelist, short story writer, and playwright.” and yes, “Joseph Heller was born in Coney Island in Brooklyn, New York, the son of poor Jewish parents, Lena and Isaac Donald Heller,[4] from Russia.[5]” But he got over it, i guess, because Joseph Heller is NOT JEWISH IN WIKIPEDIA.

“Adam Richard Sandler (born September 9, 1966) is an American actor, comedian, screenwriter, musician, and film producer.” Of course, “Sandler was born in Brooklyn, New York, to Jewish parents, Stanley, an electrical engineer, and Judy Sandler, a nursery school teacher.” but he himself is NOT JEWISH IN WIKIPEDIA.

“Here’s another example, another relative of mine: “Maximillian Oppenheimer (6 May 1902, in Saarbrücken, Germany – 26 March 1957, in Hamburg, Germany[1]) – known as Max Ophüls – was an influential German-born film director who worked in Germany (1931–33), France (1933–40), the United States (1947–50), and France again (1950–57).” Well, isn’t it interesting how he moved around from 1933 – 1950? But is he Jewish? Nope. He is NOT JEWISH IN WIKIPEDIA. His parents, of course, are Jewish in Wikipedia: “Max Ophüls was the son of Leopold Oppenheimer, a Jewish textile manufacturer from Saarbrücken and owner of several textile shops in Germany, and his wife Helen.” But Max himself? Jewish? No-no-no! He is NOT JEWISH IN WIKIPEDIA. Just another German guy who took an extended vacation in the 1930s and never returned home to Germany.

“And another: “Jerome David Kern (January 27, 1885 – November 11, 1945) was an American composer of musical theatre and popular music,” says WIkipedia, noting that “His parents were Henry Kern (1842–1908), a Jewish German immigrant, and Fannie Kern née Kakeles (1852–1907), who was an American Jew of Bohemian parentage.” Jewish parents, again, but Kern himself? Nope. NOT JEWISH IN WIKIPEDIA.

“Here’s another example, from the Wikipedia biography of Erich Salomon: “Erich Salomon (28 April 1886 – 7 July 1944) was a German-born news photographer known for his pictures in the diplomatic and legal professions and the innovative methods he used to acquire them.” He is NOT JEWISH IN WIKIPEDIA. There is a hint of trouble (not JEWISH trouble, God forbid!) in this line from his biography at Wikipedia: “After Adolf Hitler came to power in Germany, Salomon fled to the Netherlands with his wife and continued his photographic career in The Hague. Salomon declined an invitation from Life Magazine to move to the United States.” Hmmm… wonder why he “fled” from Germany? Let’s read on! According to Wikipedia, “He and his family were trapped in the Low Countries after Germany invaded in 1940. Salomon and his family were held in the Westerbork Transit Camp, then for almost five months in Theresienstadt concentration camp and were deported from there to the Theresienstadt Family Camp in May 1944. He died in Auschwitz on 7 July 1944.” Gee, that’s too bad. Hey, I wonder what he died of! Okay, reviewing our biography, we now know that we have learned the life-history of a man named Erich Salomon. He “fled” Germany at some point in time for unknown reasons, he was “trapped in the Low Countries after Germany invaded” there, and he died in some place called … hmmm, what was it? … oh, yes, “Auschwitz” … of unknown causes. Too bad for him, but not really our concern, it was just some “German thing,” I guess, because Erich Salomon was NOT JEWISH IN WIKIPEDIA.

“Here’s another: “Fritz Löhner-Beda (24 June 1883 – 4 December 1942), born Friedrich Löwy, was an Austrian librettist, lyricist and writer.” How surprising to learn that “In mid-March 1938 Fritz Löhner-Beda was arrested and deported to the Dachau concentration camp on 1 April 1938. On 23 September 1938 he was displaced to the Buchenwald concentration camp.” Why? Was it because he was Jewish? Not according to Wikipedia. NO EXPLANATION IS GIVEN. Then, later in the article, it is stated that “On 17 October 1942 he was deported to the Monowitz concentration camp near Auschwitz” and there he was beaten to death. But … no mention that he was Jewish. None at all. According to WIkipedia, he is just another person who somehow, inexplicably died at Auschwitz. He is NOT JEWISH IN WIKIPEDIA.

“Now, to be fair to Wikipedia, here is a counter-example: At Wikipedia we learn about Pavel Haas: “Pavel Haas (21 June 1899 – 17 October 1944) was a Czech composer who was murdered during the Holocaust.” Of course, lots of folks were “murdered during the Holocaust,” including gypsies, Catholics, and political activists. Was Pavel Haas Jewish? Well, his parents were, it seems, for, according to Wikipedia, “Haas was born in Brno, into a Jewish family. His father, Zikmund, a shoemaker by trade, was from the Moravian region; while his mother, Olga (née Epstein), was born in Odessa.” So his parents and possibly some other relations (such as my own Epstein and Haas relatives, no doubt!) were Jewish, and, eventually the truth comes out in this statement: “In 1941, Haas was deported to the Theresienstadt concentration camp (Terezín). He was one of several Czech-Jewish composers there, including Viktor Ullmann, Gideon Klein and Hans Krása.” So … Pavel Haas IS JEWISH IN WIKIPEDIA. At least for now.”

Pot, Meet Kettle


Sometimes you see articles with instructions on finding a good reader and avoiding frauds. Some of them are quite good. Others are the bottom of the barrel, like this one, which essentially says you should choose a reader by ethnicity. Has anyone seen this? (warning: EXTREMELY offensive content) http://tarottrends.com/content/clear-line-sand

Ms. Gaudet states:“I, myself, own a gypsy costume – sometimes clients require it. When a client requests it, we don’t have much choice.”

If a client asked her to wear blackface, I don’t imagine she’d have a problem with that, either.

That’s just the tip of the iceberg, the link is crammed with worse: bigotry, libel, and nazi rhetoric about predatory “neon gypsies”, amid claims that she’s “ethical” because she has “Tarot certifications”. I won’t quote any more here, it’s all in the link if you can read it without throwing up.

It doesn’t take much googling to find tons of scandals and pyramid schemes attached to the Tarot certification racket. From http://www.tarotcertification.org/ :
Certified Apprentice Tarot Reader Examination (CATR)© 50.00
Certified Tarot Reader Examination (CTR)© 50.00
Certified Professional Tarot Reader Examination (CPTR)© 50.00
Certified Tarot Consultant Examination (CTC)© 75.00
Certified Tarot Master Examination (CTM)© 75.00
Certified Tarot Instructor Examination (CTI)© 75.00
Certified Tarot GrandMaster Examination (CTGM)©100.00
At one point, you have to verify that you’ve qualified students for at least 25 certification ranks. Which is a minimum of $50 per rank.

Who’s scamming, again?

Follow the money: what this is, is essentially a cartel discussing how to use sham certifications and standards to destroy business rivals.