A Message From Andybc

Dear Friends,

It is with regret I’ve taken the decision to close myfortunae and Cartomantes’ Cabinet, with immediate effect. This was not an easy decision.

This last week has been hellish. The trouble is these are not isolated events. As much as it pains to me to admit it, I’ve reached the point where I now wonder “is it worth it?”

Regrettably, the answer is no. Who’d have thought hosting a blog would cause so much trouble lol.

One cannot emphasise how guilty I feel to let down so many of you: people who have bothered to take my course, are midway through it, or just read my blog, or contact me for help. I’m genuinely sorry.

Lots of people have often asked me, or raised questions, on why I chose to offer the course for free. To date, I’ve not told people the reason. But here we go: the generosity of the people who taught me allowed me to make a living in 2010, when I was subjected to extreme workplace bullying and lost someone very close me too.

Generosity, in my opinion, is something severely lacking in this world. And by that, I mean genuine generosity and volunteerism. It didn’t cost me anything to learn the petit-Lenormand (and it’s not a family secret, unlike palmistry), and, who knows: maybe one of my students might find themselves in a similar situation. Why charge? Teaching hasn’t affected my clientele – it maximised it.

But reading some of the stuff that has been written about me – from the appalling that involves my family, to the ludicrous it is just stupid.

I genuinely never attacked Tarot Lynn, nor Sylvie Steinbach and certainly never Iris Treppner. I recommend Sylvie for a long time (2011/12) – I even gave her the names of Lenormand’s sister and nephew and niece, which didn’t know. And all I said about Tarot Lynn was that her post betrayed ego; her phrase, not mine, and I even messaged her today to try and bury the hatchet..

I sincerely hope you can all forgive me; especially if I have ever offended you. Please continue with your studies. I sincerely believe, with practise, and sticking to incremental path, you can master one of the best cartomantic methods. It doesn’t matter what card you use for work or sex, as long as you learn the method.

I wish you all well in your studies and everything else.

Andy Boroveshengra.

17 responses »

  1. I am so sorry to see this. I hadn’t yet had a chance to study with you, Andy, and I had hoped to do so. I have a great respect for your knowledge and your generosity.

    I am so sorry that that generosity has led to your being subject to rudeness and worse.

    Best wishes.

  2. Some people, with nothing to offer, organize smear campaigns against the people who actually do have something of substance as a way of eliminating the competition.

    As a rule, I say when somebody pushes, push back. HARD. But Andy’s health concerns make this a different situation.

    The most important thing right now is to heal.

    As for everyone who has given him grief, they’ve shown their true colors. No amount of “love and light” can cover up the malice shown to someone who has only shared knowledge freely.

  3. This saddens me deeply. There is so little really good information available online in support of how the Lenormand cards were read in Europe for the 150 or so years prior to the 2009 Reader’s Studio when Lenormand exploded in the English speaking world.

    As much as I hate to lose such valuable resources as Andy’s blog and his course, I can understand and empathize completely. I have had to discontinue my own free tutoring on my blog because of the nasty and demanding emails flooding my inbox.

    I wish Andy health, prosperity, and a bright future; and I look forward to the release of his Lenormand book.

  4. Truly a sad day for the Lenormand community. I was an avid reader of Andy’s blog and was fortunate to have been a student in his brilliant course.

    I will miss him, and wish him all the best.

    • This is the most important thing to do. Self first and others second.
      Never met you Andy but heard a lot of good things about you. Take care. Maybe one day you will decide to come back stronger and determined to continue your great work.

  5. Sad. So sad. You didn’t deserve any of this, Andy. Pearls before swine, I’m afraid. I’ll miss your knowledge and generosity but I wish you all the best. Look after yourself. ~Judy

  6. It was sad to read this, I just wish Andy all the best for the future & thank him for all he has given to so many.

  7. Thank you Andy for your hand in friendship that was extended to me when I first started learning. May you always be surrounded in light, love and abunadant blessings.

  8. I am saddened by this news. The Lenormand community has lost a valuable asset and it is shameful that anyone should be villified and attacked in such a manner simply for speaking out.
    I wish Andy all the best for the future and hope that his health improves.

  9. I am shocked. I learned the Gypsy-Witch-Karten from my aunt. I just discovered his site a few weeks ago. I could relate well to it because he wrote the most like the tradition I was taught. Very direct. It was the best and now it is gone. I hope he writes his book. I looked today and his site was gone. I cannot believe there is this so much rancour over these cards. It is just such craziness! Such people are scary. This is not a religion, this is the cards. Now I know what happened to his site and I am without speech. Please have many blessings in your future, sir.

  10. What Andy said made me think about what I was doing before I went pro with the cards full time. I used to work retail hell before I did this. When I moved back to Texas it was all low wage jobs and no affordable afterschool or summer program for the kids, which translated to one nightmare after another.

    He’s giving people a way to work from home. Moms can watch their kids. Old people and disabled people can supplement their government checks that cover rent and not much else.

    I’ll fight tooth and nail for that.

  11. Andy your decision is just silly. The world is full of people who will attack you, but there are very few who will stand with you and have your back. It is just the way it is on this planet. Remember, Earth is not the playground of the enlightened. This is one tough place where soul growth is possible, but most don’t have a clue or any idea where to rent one. Come on son, and man up. Put your course back online, charge a nominal fee, and tune out the a**holes.

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